Suzy Chandler adopted Kailey, a 3-year-old shepherd mix. Little did she know that Kailey was about to become a hero!
One morning, Suzy and Kailey were at home in DeKalb County, Georgia, when Kailey started to bark and growl.
When Suzy took Kailey outside, she was pulled toward an apartment building.
Then Suzy smelled and heard something strange. She called 911.
Suzy knew that a lot of children lived in that building and was afraid for their safety. The fire department arrived and will investigate.
An air monitoring check will be done to ensure the building and area are safe.
Watch the news clip below and learn more about Kailey’s beginning.
She had been abused and neglected for the first part or her life. Then she wound up at a shelter.
Kailey was even about to be euthanized – but, we won’t give any more away.
Take a look at this video
This is incredible, isn’t it? Thank goodness for this pup’s sense of smell… she’s now a hero!
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