One piece of furniture that many parents feel is a necessity is a changing table. That dedicated place in the room (or house) that you change your baby’s diaper. Not the most pleasant task in the world, but a nice changing table may save your back and knees! But what happens when you go out to the store?
Well, a lot of public bathrooms have that shelf that is designed for changing your child’s diaper. Okay, so you finally got out of the house, and your little one needs a new diaper, you head to the bathroom, unzip the diaper bag and to your horror see that you have no diapers (or wipes!). Now what?

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Hopefully, you are in a bathroom that has a ‘goodie bag’ like the one in the picture! A group of moms has started to leave the diaper goodie bags in bathrooms around the country! Joy Clyde first saw the bag when she went inside a bathroom in Target.

Image Credit: Joy Clyde / Love What Matters / Facebook
The bag was stuffed full of clean diapers and wipes. She snapped a photo and posted it on social media.

Image Credit: Joy Clyde / Love What Matters / Facebook