A Philadelphia police officer, Michael Long, 33, was arrested and suspended from work for 30 days. He was arrested for allegedly stuffing an emaciated three-year-old pit bull into a trash bag and then leaving the bag at a local park last November. How disturbing. Aren’t the police supposed to protect and serve? The poor pup was found by a woman walking her dog.

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Long had wrapped the dog in a sheet, and only her head was sticking out of the bag. The dog, named Cranberry, was taken to a nearby shelter to get treatment. The reason that Long was ‘caught’ was because the dog was microchipped you would think that a cop, of all people, would know that the microchip would eventually lead authorities to him.

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Happily, Cranberry got rescued in time and recovered. She has since been adopted and is living with a loving family. Let’s hope Cranberry gets the justice she deserves.
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[h/t Pet Rescue Report]