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Man Spots A Wild Wolf In The Woods — Then Gets Closer And Realizes The Terrible Truth

Hunters set out traps to – well, trap animals and I think it is an unfair and cheap way to kill an animal. The animal really doesn’t stand a chance at survival and sometimes may even chew off their own foot to get free! I am not the only one who is against traps either. In 2015, three hunters from Wisconsin stumbled upon a timber wolf that had gotten stuck his paw stuck in a metal trap.

wolf trapped

Image Credit: N/A

Yes, they were hunters, and yes, they decided to try and help the wolf!

wolf trapped

Image Credit: N/A

But how does one go about freeing a wild animal from a trap – and add the fact that the wolf was in pain into the equation? Was it even possible to free the animal without getting hurt themselves?

wolf trapped

Image Credit: N/A

First, the hunters needed to take a closer look at the trap and see how it worked.

wolf trapped

Image Credit: N/A