The dog meat trade has taken some hits in recent months, but in April, Michael Chour saw a dog with its head stuck between the bars of a cage.
The cage was sitting outside a restaurant that his know to serve dog meat in Cambodia – and Chour knew that the dog didn’t have much time left!

Image Credit: Michael Chour
Chour has been rescuing dogs for the past 13 years in Southeast Asia and went to find the restaurant’s owner.
The little dog with his head stuck was not along, there were two other pups in the cage.

Image Credit: Michael Chour
Chour helped the dog, dubbed, Lucky, get his head out from between the bars.
The dogs probably had an idea of what their fate was because the screams from other dogs being tortured inside the restaurant could be heard outside.

Image Credit: Michael Chour
Chour wasn’t going to just buy the dogs – because that would support the restaurant.
He was able to talk the owner into giving up Lucky!

Image Credit: Michael Chour
Lucky was so nervous when Chour held him, that he peed on Chour!
Lucky probably thought Chour was going to hurt him! Soon, Lucky relaxed.

Image Credit: Michael Chour
It was hard for Chour to leave the other two pups in the cage, but at least Lucky was safe!
Chour is still talking with the owner of that resultant and hopes he can convince him to shut it down for good!

Image Credit: Michael Chour
Since Lucky was rescued, Chour has saved seven other dogs from that awful place!

Image Credit: Michael Chour
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