Dogs are man’s best friend – and continue to prove it over and over (and over)!
On July 28, a 10-year-old girl in Virginia was approached and physically assaulted by a stranger while she was walking her dog at about 3:45 pm.
The man grabbed her arm, but didn’t expect the dog to react!

Image Credit: Global News
The dog bit his arm, and he let go! The man ran off, and the girl was not injured.
Why would someone attack a person walking a dog?! That doesn’t seem to make sense.
The police have not found the suspect but say he is a Hispanic male, about 145 lbs. with short brown hair and a goatee.

Image Credit: Facebook
It is likely the man also has a dog bite on one of his arms! He was last seen wearing light colored long pants and a white striped shirt.
Lesson learned here – don’t mess with a little girl walking her dog! In fact, don’t mess with girls.

Image Credit: Facebook
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