Basil was treated with TLC. Martin gave him a warm place to sleep and many treats. The next morning, the fox seemed to be in better spirits. Martin said the fox became sort of a cuddle bunny.

Image Credit: Dan Martin
As you can see, the fox is quite comfy in Martin’s arms. The vet said the fox’s injury was most likely caused by a shotgun – and the leg would have to be amputated.

Image Credit: Dan Martin
It was suspected that the fox had been bred in captivity because of the way he acted around people. After his surgery, Basil went to the National Fox Welfare Society. There he will be given a place to recover and rest.

Image Credit: Dan Martin
Martin has been following Basil’s progress on the National Fox Welfare Society’s web page and hopes to be able to see him again.

Image Credit: National Fox Welfare Society
What an amazing story! It is not hard to imagine what would have happened to Basil had Martin not come along.
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