One man’s trash is another man’s treasure (which is what makes yard sales so much fun!). That was never more true than in this story! A man living in Washington happened to walk by someone’s house on trash day. The person had left a very large aquarium near the trash can. But, the aquarium wasn’t empty – it had living creatures inside!

Image Credit: agenttwisted / Imgur
We have heard of people abandoning dogs and cats, but you don’t often hear of underwater creatures being abandoned. This proves, sadly, that it happens. The tank had three rare salamanders called axolotls inside.

Image Credit: agenttwisted / Imgur
Axolotls, also known as ‘walking fish’ or Mexican salamanders look like mud puppies – but, they are in fact not fish, they are amphibians. Not many people actually keep them as pets – they are wild animals after all and deserve to live free.

Image Credit: agenttwisted / Imgur
If you are thinking about trying to keep axolotls as pets – let us tell you why that is a bad idea! Axolotls are critically endangered (their population is dropping). Enough said, right?

Image Credit: agenttwisted / Imgur