One day, a man named Wade Seago found a wild hog that weighed 820 pounds when his dog wouldn’t stop barking – it was on his front lawn!
Wade and his family live in Samson, Alabama – thus he’s no stranger when it comes to wild animals.
His dog Cruiser, usually barks at animals that trespass the property – until on July 11, when the pooch alerted its family.
The wild hog had husks that were at least 6-inches long – and it wasn’t friendly-looking.
Worried of a potential attack, wade quickly grabbed his 38-caliber revolver and shot it 3 times.
The next day, wade drove to Brooks Peanut Company to weigh the hog via a drive-thru scale. It wasn’t light at all!

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Wade still stands by his action – he shot the hog to protect his dog and his family, and not for anything else.
What are your thoughts on this?

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Beware of wild animals around your home – always be vigilant and alert!

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