Jeremiah however, showed little to almost no remorse for what he did. He even lied to the police – with no success.

Image Credit: Jeremiah Cordell / MySpace
At first, he told the police that he found her dead just like that – he didn’t know who the murderer was.

Image Credit: Jeremiah Cordell / MySpace
Soon after that, he claimed that he accidentally dropped her from his arms while showering her. The police did not believe both of his stories.

Image Credit: Jeremiah Cordell / MySpace
The stories did not add up, and Jeremiah was soon found guilty thanks to DNA evidence.

Image Credit: Jeremiah Cordell / MySpace
He was slapped with four offences in total – 3rd degree murder, second degree aggravated assault, involuntary sexual intercourse with an underage victim and aggravated assault committed to a victim younger than 13-years-old.

Image Credit: Jeremiah Cordell / MySpace
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