When Florida police were called in to investigate reports of loud noises and a frightened dog’s cries at an Aurora Street home, they weren’t entirely certain what to expect. What awaited them was a horrific and cruel scene.

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Police arrived on the scene at the home of Travis Archer, 43, and found his nine-month-old black Labrador named Ponce lying, dead, over a broken area of the fence.
He had been chained up, his mouth gagged and blood staining the area around him, and his owner had left to die. Police then found a knot rope covered in blood, and were able to put two and two together.

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Archer had cruelly beaten his dog to death, but denied this, saying that he found the house in a mess upon returning home and hit Ponce as a disciplinary measure, but only twice.
He alleged that the dog had then bit him on the hand, even though it was only a small cut, and refused to answer questions regarding Ponce’s death.

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What a terrible pet owner! How can anyone do such a cruel thing to the one they are supposed to care for? Archer has been arrested and charged for animal cruelty. Rest in peace, Ponce. You deserved so much better.
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[h/t Pet Rescue Report]