Books enrich our childhoods.
They teach us lessons of the alphabetical and moral, they take us on journeys to fantastical lands, and they comfort us before bed.
That’s why we have so much love and respect for children’s book authors!

Annick Press
Robert Munsch is one such well-known author.
He has penned a huge variety of stories that are adored by parents and children alike.
We’ve read about paper bag princesses, pigs, and even our own body and how it works, and they have all made incredibly stories in Munsch’s talented, whimsical hands.

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One particular story you may remember is titled Love You Forever, which is the kind that touches countless hearts, is loved by many, but still brings you to tears as it draws to a close!

Firefly Books
It’s a simple tale that is weaved around the deep love shared by a mom and her son, and it involves a very lovely, sweet song that you likely remember to this day.
This song is sung by the mother in question, who tells her son that she will love him forever and will consider him her baby for as long as she is alive.

Firefly Books
Have you wondered why this song touches so many hearts so deeply?
As it turns out, this is because it’s rooted in truth, based on Robert Munsch’s own tragic experiences.

Firefly Books
The song was one that had played over and over in his head for years after he first wrote it, but contrary to its seemingly happy lyrics, it’s one that has left him upset and in tears many times.
In fact, he could not bring himself to even sing the song, as he would begin to cry if he attempted to.

Firefly Books
The song was one that Munsch wrote down and dedicated to his wife after she gave birth to two stillborn babies.
He had essentially written it thinking of the children he had lost.
When he wrote the song into a children’s storybook, it took on a new life.
He attempted to publish it through a standard publisher for kid’s books, but he was rejected.
Thankfully, this wasn’t too much of a problem as he eventually found another place that would print the book.

Firefly Books
But there was an odd sale pattern that occurred with this book.
It was selling in a surprising way, so much so that the publisher decided to give Munsch a call and tell him what was going on.
Apparently, there were huge sales happening in Arizona’s retirement communities!
Obviously, these communities wouldn’t have young children, and most people living there – if not all of them – would be senior citizens.
So what was happening?

Firefly Books
It turns out that these grown-ups were actually purchasing the book to give to each other.
Parents would buy it for their own parents and vice versa, and of course it was purchased to give to grandchildren too.
It was being widely bought and sold across all possible demographics!

Firefly Books
The message that this book has for the world is truly timeless and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Though it came from a sad background, its beauty has made it one of the most-loved children’s books ever!