Vicky Keahey, the founder of In-Sync, was thrilled to report that that man has had his license revoked. In March 2009, Kahn arrived at In-Sync – he was 6 years old. Sheila arrived the following July.

Image Credit: In-Sync Exotics
Kahn’s tail was almost completely chewed off, and he weighed about 100 pounds less than he should have weighed.

Image Credit: In-Sync Exotics
Rescuers believe he chewed his own tail as a reaction to either stress or boredom.

Image Credit: In-Sync Exotics
Kahn was malnourished and had a hard time walking – and again, he was only 6 years old. Sheila was only 15 months old and was on the brink of death. She couldn’t stand up or lift her head. The USDA officials told In-Sync that it was probably best to have her euthanized.

Image Credit: Karin Saucedo / In-Sync Exotics