Even when Kylie’s sisters tried to play with her, Eliza would jump back on the bed to be with Kylie. Robin Myers, Kylie’s mom, said that Eliza was devoted to Kylie. Before she said her final goodbye, Kylie asked her family to take care of Eliza.
Eliza continued to support the family after Kylie passed. Eliza would lay in Robin’s lap when she was crying. The cat would purr in her ear just like she did for Kylie. Robin said she had never known an animal could be so in tune with the needs of people.

Image Credit: Smiley for Kylie / Facebook
Eliza got her forever home, and in return, she helped comfort Kylies’ family in their time of need.

Image Credit: Smiley for Kylie / Facebook
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[h/t LoveMeow]