Being an animal rescue technician has got to be one of the toughest jobs. You have to be able to adjust to constantly changing situations. You have to think fast and be able to handle stressful confrontations sometimes.
Animal rescue technicians are also required to be creative problem solvers. On April 26, 2015, shoppers at a Walmart in Phoenix, Arizona heard some meowing coming from the sandwich display.

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The Arizona Humane Society was immediately called in. The Emergency Animal Medical Technicians (EAMTs) had a snake cam they used to see two tiny kittens huddled up under the wires and debris!

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The store manager then recalled that they had found a mother cat in the store a few days ago and were able to find her a new home.

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These kittens must have been her babies. They had been away from momma for a few days and needed immediate help!

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