The kitten you see here below is a noble one, and his name is Stuart Little.
Named after the popular movie character of the very same name due to his size when he was rescued by animal welfare organisation Fabulous Felines NWA.
He was the tiniest out of the seven-cat litter, and was severely malnourished compared to the others.
He was measured, and was only as large as a chap stick!

Image Credit: LoveMeow
His mother, along with he and his other kitten siblings were found in a clump of bushes out in the open, abandoned and unwanted.

Image Credit: LoveMeow
Unfortunately, his mother could not afford to provide milk for her kittens as she herself was too hungry – thankfully the bunch were rescued!

Image Credit: LoveMeow
Stuart started out small, but grew quickly – both in health and personality!
He is extremely close with Bessie the cat, who acts as his surrogate mother.
The lip-balm sized kitten grew up with Bessie, and she taught him well in his mother’s absence.
Look at those two!

Image Credit: LoveMeow
Stuart Little’s fur slowly grew when the kitten was 6-weeks-old.

Image Credit: LoveMeow
Stuart was still ‘little’ in terms of size and weight back then.

Image Credit: LoveMeow
At 8 weeks of age, Stuart Little slowly out grew his chap stick measurements – and started to mature properly like any other healthy kitten despite his unfortunate past.
He was no longer the chap stick kitten, but simply Stuart himself.

Image Credit: LoveMeow
Now, Stuart is longer ‘little’, and his former self is only a shadow – look how healthy and happy he is in his new home!

Image Credit: LoveMeow
Along with his new cat sibling, Stuart has found his very own rightful place – in a loving owner’s home!

Image Credit: LoveMeow
It is amazing what love can do!
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