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Kitten Learning How To Use The Litterbox Has The Best Reaction To Pooping

Using the litter box is an essential skill for an indoor cat.

Unless you plan to teach your kitty how to use the toilet – but that is for another time.

The kitten in this video isn’t quite sure what is supposed to happen in the ‘sandbox’ he finds himself sitting in.

Then all of a sudden, the ‘urge’ hits!

This is probably how you have to train a kitten to use the litter box, you put them in it until they have to go.

They get the idea and BOOM – litter box trained.

Well, it probably doesn’t happen with just one session.

Anyway, if you haven’t seen a kitten use the litter box today – here is your chance.

Wait until 0:43 and see what the unique way this kitten uses the litter box – he stands up on his back legs!

Take a look at this video!

Maybe he ate something funny and is, well, learning I suppose!

Don’t forget to share away, people!