This adorable little guy is Gozer! He was dropped off to be euthanized. But, one kind-hearted woman decided he deserved better and gave him a home instead! The person who dropped Gozer off didn’t want him anymore because the kitten had an eye infection. Gozer was just three-weeks-old.
Some people are just so heartless – eye infections can be treated people! The vet refused to put the kitten down (Good for them!).
Then Reddit user, su2rnint2ndo, saw Gozer and only wanted to help him. The Banfield Vet at a Petsmart had taken in Gozer and su2rnint2ndo was working there at the time. It was fate!
According to su2rnint2ndo, Gozer is a weird, but lovable cat! He has reportedly eaten some flip flops and some mini USB cables! Gozer’s eye infection was a chronic URI (upper respiratory infection) disease. Gozer also had ringworm.
That didn’t matter to su2rnint2ndo, she and her boyfriend had just lost a cat and were ready to take Gozer in any way! They were able to get Gozer the proper medications and nursed him back to health. This is Gozer now – two years later in August 2016!