Murder suicide stories are usually tragic – this one is completely heartbreaking. Little Rock Police reported that a 39-year old man killed his two children and then took his own life. Robert Mangan killed his daughter, Catherine, 4, and his son, Joseph, 5, on August 20 and then himself on August 20.

Image Credit: Little Rock Police Department
Lindsey Mangan, wife and mother, found the bodies when she came home. The medical examiner’s office is now trying to determine the cause of death. The case is being treated as a double murder and suicide.

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Lindsey told police that she came home and found her children in bed with their father and all three were dead. Since May of 2016, Robert had been arrested three times.

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Twice for third-degree domestic battery and once for a violation of a protection order. Makes you wonder why Robert was in the house with the children in the first place.

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He clearly had some issues with violence and shouldn’t have been alone with them. According to the Daily Mail, Little Rock’s murder rate has increased significantly this year. So far, there have been 45 homicides in Little Rock, which is three more murders than they had during 2016!

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In the United States. The rate of suicide has slowly been increasing from 1999 through 2014. Suicide is the leading cause of death in young adults and adolescents. Shockingly, suicide is on the rise among middle-aged adults. Know the signs and clues for a person who is contemplating suicide – you could save a life!

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