A listing for some puppies in Albuquerque, New Mexico was posted. The five puppies needed to be fostered and Anh Dao was up to the task. The puppies were an unusual crossbreed of pit bull and husky – Pitskys! The seven-minute video below is a short documentary about being the foster parent to the tiny Pitskys!

Image Credit: N/A
According to Animalso.com, the Pitsky is a loyal and unique breed. These dogs love to be around people or other dogs. The appearance of each Pitsky is unique and isn’t something that can be predicted.

Image Credit: N/A
The pitskys are energetic dogs that will need obedience training and a lot (a lot) of exercise. Both pit bulls and Huskies have a lot of energy, so that makes sense. Take a look at this video!
Pitskys may not be for everyone, though, be sure to do some research before finding a pet for your family. Share away, people.