Some laws make sense. Like driving the posted speed limit – it saves lives (and fuel). Other laws don’t make sense, and they can often get overturned if enough people contact their local or state lawmakers. Tragically, the United States Senate has overturned a law put in place during the Obama administration.

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The law was in place to protect animals from barbaric and excessive hunting and inhumane trapping methods. It was a narrow margin – but wildlife lost. What this means for wildlife is that hunters now have a huge advantage and can bait hungry bears, use a helicopter to hunt, and even enter the den of a sleeping animal and kill it.

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Is that hunting then when you can kill an animal while it is sleeping? The use of a helicopter – doesn’t that take the challenge out of it? Not that I am a supporter of hunting, but it seems that overturning this law just made hunting less strategy and more brutal.

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Many animal lovers around the country are outraged by this. Doesn’t the Senate have other more important issues to tackle? How about helping the homeless? What about our veterans?

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No, our Senate has decided that we need to have more brutal hunting practices instead. No, we don’t need to be able to murder animals with ease.
We need to take care of the homeless humans who need our help.

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If you are outraged, contact the White House and let them know! Shame on you, United States Senators. Share away, people.