Horses are intelligent and graceful animals. They are also smart! You can train a horse to trot, walk, and jump. I am not familiar with all the terms equestrians use – but if you have ever seen the dressage events at the Olympics, you know what I am talking about. Training any animal is never easy. I have trained a few family dogs, and each one presents different challenges.
I cannot imagine training a horse. The horse in this video is named Commando. With a name like that you would think he is brave and doesn’t let anything get in his way. Well, almost. Commando is being trained to jump, and he comes across something unfamiliar and deals with it in a unique way! You will laugh out loud at this – so make sure no one is around!
Take a look at this video
This is the funniest thing I have seen today! Good work, Commando!
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