Were you ever suspended from school? I never was – my parents would have killed me!
My brothers and I were always expected to go to school and do our best.
Kids today seem to have an easier time of it.
Harrisburg High School in Pennsylvania has a problem with unexcused absences.

Image Credit: N/A
The thing is that the kids go to school – they just don’t go to class.
They hang out on the school grounds instead of going to class.
Principal Lisa Love tried to crackdown.

Image Credit: Lisa Love / Facebook
She issued at least 100 suspension notices to students.
The students who got the suspension notices had missed 35 classes during a nine-week period.
Since the students have seven classes a day, missing 35 classes is the same as missing an entire week of school.

Image Credit: Lisa Love / Facebook
Love contends that since the kids go to school, the parents think they are going to class, which is not the case.
With the suspension notices, the parents are being involved.

Image Credit: Lisa Love / Facebook
Love said that the students who don’t go to class are wreaking havoc on the school and are disruptive to the students who attend classes.
Why don’t they hire some private security to patrol the school grounds to get kids to class?

Image Credit: Lisa Love / Facebook
I am not sure how suspending them is going to cut down on the absences.
Sadly, instead of being upset at their children for skipping class, many parents showed up at the school with documentation for their child’s absence – that way they could avoid the one-day suspension.

Image Credit: Lisa Love / Facebook
Parents – be parents. Expect more from your children now.
Help prepare them for adulthood.
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