The note in Lia’s file – her Allergy and Anaphylaxis Plan – says that her EpiPen should be given first if she starts to have an allergic reaction. Sounds simple enough – right? Well, not so much. Lia Sommers, 15, bit into her turkey sandwich with pesto and immediately knew she was in trouble.

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Lia has a severe peanut allergy and could tell there had been some peanuts in the bite she took. The school nurse told Lia to take an antihistamine (despite what Lia’s file says). When Lia refused, the nurse then made Lia call her parents to confirm that she should get the EpiPen. Seriously?

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Lia’s life is on the line, her Allergy and Anaphylaxis Plan clearly says she should get her EpiPen, and the nurse is making her call her parents? Lonnie, Lia’s mom, told the nurse to give the EpiPen and call 911.

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