This is a story about love, persistence, and fierce determination. Olivia Sievers is a flight attendant who makes frequent visits from Germany (her home) to Argentina for work. Whenever she goes to Argentina – she always has a friend waiting there for her. No, her friend isn’t a human, it is a dog named Rubio.

Image Credit: Mascotas Puerto Madero Adopciones Responsables
During the summer last year, Olivia found Rubio near the hotel where she was staying. Rubio was a street dog. When he saw her, he must have known they were meant to be together because he followed her around.

Image Credit: Mascotas Puerto Madero Adopciones Responsables
She gave him food, and they played. Rubio had probably not had so much fun! He continued to follow Olivia.

Image Credit: Mascotas Puerto Madero Adopciones Responsables
She admits that she tried to ‘lose’ him, but he was always there. Rubio followed her to her hotel and waited. In a short while, Olivia had to leave, and she had to leave Rubio behind.

Image Credit: Mascotas Puerto Madero Adopciones Responsables