How would you react if you were to see an entire family of bears having the time of their lives inside your car?!
Imagine going on a vacation and all you plan on doing is relaxing and enjoying your time when suddenly you spot a whole lot of bears checking out your car, pouncing out and about trying to figure out their new toy.
Now imagine trying to explain that to your family, friends and worse, the cops!
That is exactly what happened to Chad Morris and his family who were vacationing in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
They were staying in a cabin out in the woods, enjoying the scenery and basking in the glory of nature when suddenly Chad’s parents started yelling and shouting, asking him to come outside immediately.
Chad couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
A whole family of massive bears had gathered in the driveway and their main agenda, according to Chad, was to steal his car!
At first, three cubs hopped in, and not far behind was mother bear, who, on the contrary, was quite pleased to see that her young cubs were having the time of their lives checking out their new ride!
Chad and his parents felt helpless, and clearly, they were horrified because there’s nothing much you can do when you see massive bears trying out your belongings.
Chad and his parents may have thought that their presence would drive the bear family away, but that wasn’t the case either.
The little cubs noticed them, but they didn’t care much, as if they knew Chad and his family were no match for them.
As soon as the bears realized that they were in no position to actually drive the car, they got out and started to leave.
Chad and his family, who were busy clicking pictures, could not believe their eyes as the bear family headed back into the woods, ready to tell other bears about their exciting adventure!
Share away, people!