Jerren Heng, 26, and his girlfriend Marinna Rollins, 23, posted a video that will make your blood boil. The video was so graphic that it has been pulled off many sites and you probably won’t be able to see it anywhere. But, here is the basic idea.
The couple took a service dog, named Camboui, into the woods.

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They tied him to a tree, and then Marinna shot the dog five times. That is not all, Heng wanted a turn too – so he shot the dog five more times. Then Rollins dragged the dog to a shallow grave nearby and buried it.

Image Credit: N/A
The couple both face felony animal cruelty and conspiracy charges. According to police, Rollins posted a picture of her dog on Facebook just before she took his life. Let us hope those to get the maximum punishment. Rest in peace, Camboui.
Share away, people.
[h/t Pet Rescue Report]