Your average male beagle should weigh between 22-25 pounds, according to the Dog Breed Info Center ( Just one look at the beagle in this photo and you can tell he is way (way) over that. This poor dog weighs a staggering 85 pounds!

Image Credit: One Tail At A Time / Facebook
He was surrendered to One Tail At a Time, an animal rescue in Chicago. Heather Owen, co-founder of One Tail At a Time said that they were all blown away by how much the dog weighed.

Image Credit: One Tail At A Time / Facebook
Owen said that he had to be wheeled in a wagon. Before you get all upset at the owner, just wait. It was an elderly person, and they likely needed help themselves. It is possible the owner was killing this dog with kindness.

Image Credit: One Tail At A Time / Facebook