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Dying Shelter Dog Has Wish Fulfilled, Gets His Very Own Fire Hydrant

It became clear, then, that Kevin would be spending the remainder of his life at the shelter, which worked out because he’d captured the hearts of the staff. PAOC became his home, and staff worked to make his final days special.

One volunteer managed to contact the mayor of Oswego and asked him to meet Kevin, and not only did he agree, he also wanted to dedicate a fire hydrant to him!

Kevin’s day out what extremely exciting. He got all dressed up, got to ride in a car, and happily took pictures with the mayor and his personal fire hydrant. He was so happy to meet new friends and people!

More activates are being planned for Kevin as we speak, and he’s already become the face for a line of fire hydrant cookies by a local dog treat company.

He’s living the rest of his life surrounded by those who love and care for him, and he’s never been happier!

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