This smiling man is the most disgusting person to call himself a professional ever.
His name is Dr. John Hall, and he is a dentist from Cornelius, North Carolina.
In 2005, Hall pleaded guilty to injecting semen into the mouths of his patients!
He also pleaded guilty to sexual assault charges and was given a four-month jail sentence and had his dental license revoked.

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Six former patients testified against him, one woman said he would gyrate against her lower body while she was in the chair.
The investigation all started after a patient complained that a liquid Hall put in her mouth “to stop the bleeding” smelled like semen – and it was!

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So, why are we even talking about this man?
Well, Hall moved to Belize in 2015 and put an ad in the San Pedro Sun – he is looking to hire a dental assistant to work in his new dental clinic!
Hall had managed to get a license to practice dentistry in Belize!

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The editor of the San Pedro Sun, Tamara Sniffin, was suspicious and started to investigate Hall’s past.
With all her evidence in hand, she went to the San Pedro Police Department.
Sniffin wasn’t about to let Hall open a dental clinic and was grateful to everyone who helped to stop him!

Image Credit: Pixabay
After being arrested and posting bail, Hall wrote a 1,400-word manifesto that denies any wrongdoing on his part!
Did he forget that he pleaded guilty to despicable crimes in 2005?
Did he think that people would forget?
Share away, people.