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Woman On Vacation Finds Dog With Broken Spine And Takes Him Home

How could you not want to help such a poor creature? Kiara took food the next day to the dog and named him Fos, which in Greek means “shine.”

Fos was happy to see Kiara and greedily ate the food! At the vet, Kiara learned that Fos had probably been abused by his last owner.

dog with broken spine

Image Credit: Kiara Ijzendoorn

Abused, broken, and left alone. Finally, Fos was able to travel back to Kiara’s home in Holland. Fos has made some great improvements since his rescue. Some things still scare him like men and cats – but we all know some cats are rather scary!

dog with broken spine

Image Credit: Kiara Ijzendoorn

Walking remains challenging, but Fos is getting medical treatment to help. The important thing is that Fos is no longer living alone. He has a loving home, a full belly, and love – lots of love!

dog with broken spine

Image Credit: Kiara Ijzendoorn

That will be the vacation Kiara, and her family will never forget! What a souvenir they brought home! Share away, people.