See that blurry lump lying in the center of the railroad tracks? That is a dog, and yes, it is still alive. The dog, now named Lucy, was found by a man near the village of Tseglovka, Ukraine. Lucy was injured and couldn’t move, but her canine friend, Panda, wasn’t going to leave her side.

Image Credit: Denis Malafeyev
Each time a train would pass, Panda would come back to his friend and lay with her. Each train would pass over, and Lucy had just enough room not to be hit by the passing cars. Night and day the two dogs remained by each other’s side.

Image Credit: Denis Malafeyev
It was Christmas Day when Denis Malafeyev heard from his friends about the two dogs. Denis, a champion for hurt and injured dogs, rushed out to help the two dogs. Panda was not willing to let him get too close, however.

Image Credit: Denis Malafeyev