Baby animals are often in need of their parents’ guidance when they are first born. Without them, the babies can get themselves into all sorts of sticky situations. Mark Freeley and his golden retriever Storm were out walking with family through Port Jefferson Harbor, New York, when Storm picked up on something in the distance. In the water was a young deer, unable to swim and close to drowning!
Without hesitating, Storm leaped into the water and swam deftly and expertly towards the fawn. Once he was close enough, the pup grabbed onto her as gently as he could and brought her back to safely. The heroic dog had saved the baby deer’s life!
Thinking quickly, Freeley called the Strong Island Animal Rescue League.

Image Credit: Strong Island Animal Rescue League / Facebook
But when volunteer Frankie Floridia turned up to collect the fawn, she panicked and took off again and somehow ended up back in the water. This time, it was Floridia’s turn to leap into the water and swim over to save her.

Image Credit: Strong Island Animal Rescue League / Facebook