As humans, we should not be advocates of animal abuse – children, are no exception. This story illustrates the damage inflicted on an innocent puppy less than a month old – its injuries were surprisingly caused by a 10 year-old boy living in Chattanooga, Tennessee located in the United States.
In August 2016, authorities rang up the Humane Educational Society to inform them of a 12 week-old puppy found – it was stabbed in the eye by a pocket knife. Knife wounds showed that it was a repetitive act.
The pup was name Mika, a terrier who ran into her neighbor’s yard with blood flowing steadily from its eye socket. Alarmed by the yelps of pain, the neighbor examined the terrified terrier and decided to call the authorities.

Image Credit: The Humane Educational Society
Mika was stabbed twice, point blank in her left eye.

Image Credit: The Humane Educational Society