Gunnar put out some water and birdseed for his little friend. After about an hour, the bird was up and flying around the living room! Then, the bird landed right on Diamond’s head!

Image Credit: Gunnar Kr Sigurjónsson
Maybe the bird was trying to say “Thank you” to the dog who helped save his life! Later, Diamond gave his new feathered friend a few loving licks! What?!

GIF Credit: Gunnar Kr Sigurjónsson
I can’t believe the bird allowed that to happen! The bird, now named Bibi, seemed to have recovered from the ‘incident’ and Gunnar took him outside on the balcony. An hour later, Bibi hadn’t moved.

Image Credit: Gunnar Kr Sigurjónsson
So, Gunnar brought him back inside. Here you can see Bibi enjoying some sweet potato under the watchful eye of Diamond. The following morning, Bibi was set free, and this time, he flew off! Good dog, Diamond!

Image Credit: Gunnar Kr Sigurjónsson
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