Many young men and women enjoy challenging themselves, both physically and mentally.
Amelia Milling, a 21-year-old girl who is deaf, isn’t scared of tough challenges. She decided that she was going to climb up a mountain in Alaska by herself.
However, things went terribly wrong at one point.
Amelia set off on a three-day hike in the wilderness of Alaska. At first, things were going great.
She then started climbing up a large mountain, and that is when things started to go very wrong.
Amelia lost her balance and began to fall down through the snow to a boulder below. She slid at least 300 feet before she hit the boulder.
After bouncing off of it, Amelia slid an additional 300 feet before coming to a standstill.
Luckily, she could still walk- none of her bones were broken. It was a miracle she came out unscathed.
However, the young girl was stranded on the huge mountain and had no clue where she was.
Amelia knew that things were not going well when 24 hours had passed since her fall. She was still lost and had no clue which path would lead her off of the mountain.
But something was about to happen to make her heart jump. She saw what appeared to be a white wolf in the distance.
However, she saw that it was actually a domesticated dog when it came closer, as it had on a collar.
The dog was a husky named Nanook who works as a trail guide dog on the mountain. He has “guide” on his collar and he regularly goes out to find lost hikers.
She couldn’t believe he was there with her! He had a new mission for sure.
Nanook stayed with Amelia and helped her locate the trail. He made sure that the deaf girl was never alone.
When Amelia attempted to cross a river, the strong currents began to pull her under. Luckily, Nanook jumped in and pulled her out of the water.
Amelia decided that it was time to press the GPS transmitter that she carried that would send a distress signal to rescuers.
Alaska State Troopers were sent to pick her and Nanook up. Both were safely rescued.
Nanook is the real hero of the day, according to Amelia. She learned that he once pulled a young girl out of the river current to safety.
You can watch this amazing video and hear Amelia tell her story below: