Tweaks, the rat, is the oldest member of the family, and all three animals were much happier when they were all together!

Image Credit: Oshkosh Area Humane Society / Facebook
When they reunited Tweaks with Sasha and Jack, there was quite a lick-fest! Sasha was overjoyed to see her tiny buddy again!

Image Credit: Oshkosh Area Humane Society / Facebook
Even Jack took the time to welcome Tweaks back! Who knew that a cat, a dog, and a rat could be such good friends?!

Image Credit: Oshkosh Area Humane Society / Facebook
The rescue staff hoped that a new family would be willing to adopt them together since they are so tightly bonded with each other.

Image Credit: Oshkosh Area Humane Society / Facebook
Then one day, in walked Kathy Berens and her daughter! When Kathy overheard the staff talking about the unusual trio, she thought they would be a perfect fit at her house! Can you say “Happily Ever After?” Share away, people!