Forsberg, the golden retriever, and Ginger, the orange tabby cat, were inseparable. They could be found most days cuddling, snuggling, and just hanging out with each other… and you thought cats and dogs didn’t get along! Oh, but they do get along!

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I have a dog that gets along great with just about all of the six cats we have, however, there are some cats that just prefer to be alone. Both Ginger and Forsberg were older pets, and they had slowed down – they were perfect.

Image Credit: Animal Rescue Site
Then tragedy struck when Ginger, 15, got thyroid cancer and died leaving Forsberg lost without his little feline buddy. You can’t explain death and loss to a dog.

Image Credit: Instagram
Forsberg spent a lot of time trying to find Ginger, to not avail. He became lonely and depressed. Forberg’s owner, Jen Philion, couldn’t handle the sadness and misery any longer and decided to do something about it!

Image Credit: Instagram