This is Charlie. He looks like a happy, healthy boy – right? Well, just two weeks ago, he was very close to death. On January 11, Charlie was hit by a car in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. The driver didn’t stop. How you can hit a dog and not stop is beyond me, but maybe they thought the dog was dead and didn’t feel like dealing with the situation.

Image Credit: Heather Russell
In any case, Charlie was not dead. He was in a great deal of pain, however. Thankfully, a couple of people found Charlie lying along the roadside.

Image Credit: Heather Russell
They took off their sweatshirts to try and keep him warm. They flagged down a passing motorist who took them to the Animal Hospital of Kannapolis.

Image Credit: Heather Russell
Charlie’s X-rays showed that his pelvis was fractured – it would cost about $4,000 to fix. If Charlie had an owner, they didn’t step forward.

Image Credit: Heather Russell