Then, Kahn grabbed Charlotte’s diaper and actually flung her across the yard! Catherine was mortified! But, then she saw the snake – a poisonous snake that was headed straight for Charlotte!

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Kahn wasn’t being mean; he was being a hero! Kahn even took a bite from the deadly snake for Charlotte!

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Catherine was able to get Kahn to the veterinarian in time, and he was given an anti-venom shot! Fast forward nine years!

Image Credit: Catherine Svilicic / Facebook
Charlotte and Kahn are still buddies and love hanging out with each other. Who wouldn’t feel safe with a big Doberman beside them? The Svilicic’s are a very lucky family!

Image Credit: N/A
Don’t blame the dog for the behaviors they exhibit – it has to do with training. Give them a loving environment, and watch them bloom and grow! Share away, people.