All of this was because of irresponsibility – drink driving. The drunk driver’s actions had cost the lives of two, which made up Kristian’s whole world. She shared her story on Facebook, to spread the word,

Image Credit: Kristian Guerrero / Facebook
And that no one should lose their family members for no apparent reason.

Image Credit: Kristian Guerrero / Facebook
Kristian stresses that drink driving isn’t a small issue – contrary to what offenders think. Its a dangerous act, and the consequences fall on others rather than yourself. If you drink, do not drive – no matter how much the dose was!

Image Credit: Kristian Guerrero / Facebook
Kristian has moved on with her life, but with painful memories after this tragic incident. Let’s spread the word and lessen such tragedies!

Image Credit: Kristian Guerrero / Facebook
Share away, people.