The Abandoned Ones (TAO) is a rescue organization in Texas run by Judy Obregon. Obregon spends a lot of her time just driving around to the various known dump sites seeing if there are any dogs that need help. Sadly, many of the dogs die before help arrives. This story is about one time when help arrived just in time!
The little dog you see here perked up when it heard Obregon’s car engine.

Image Credit: N/A
The pitiful creature cried and limped toward her car when Obregon got out. The dog had a leash around her neck that had been broken. Obregon believes the dog had been tied out there and had broken free.
The injury to her leg was probably from that escape. Obregon named the dog Callie and took her to the vet. Happily, other than the limp, the dog was in good health. Callie is expected to make a full recovery!