This is a miscarriage of justice. A woman in Akron, Ohio, starved her four dogs to the brink of death and got away with it – she won’t spend a single day in jail for her crime. The two dogs were left without food for extended periods of time by Angel Facemire – these are the facts.
Facemire, 52, pleaded guilty to charges of prohibitions concerning companion animals and only got 24 months of probation during which she can’t own any animals. So, what did she learn from all this? Probably nothing. Diane Johnson, the CEO and President of The Humane Society of Greater Akron said that this was the worst case of starvation they had seen.
Take a look at this poor dog

Image Credit: N/A
Facemire’s husband, Robert, also got two years of probation. Thankfully, the dogs are all expected to make full recoveries and will be up for adoption soon.
Share away, people.
[h/t Pet Rescue Report]