Ashleigh Peach, 30, and her soon to be husband, 28-year-old Johnathon Parsley were arrested in Tipton, Indiana and charged with a felony.
They had starved a five-year-old boy to punish him, the child weighed only 32 pounds.

Image Credit: Tipton Police Department
Tipton police and the Department of Child Services got anonymous calls about suspected child abuse on June 5 – after an investigation, the couple was arrested.
Not only was the five-year-old removed from the home, but six other children were taken too.

Image Credit: Tipton Police Department
The five-year-old was admitted to Riley Children’s Hospital and discharged a week later, he is expected to make a full recovery.

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The police searched the home and discovered surveillance equipment that was used to keep an eye on the boy to make sure he wasn’t stealing food.
I don’t care what a five-year-old does wrong, starvation is not a punishment – it is torture.

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I can’t imagine what kind of a person could mistreat a child to that degree. This is such a heartbreaking story.
All seven of the children living in the home shared two bedrooms.

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The bedroom doors had alarms, and one had a padlock.
Reportedly, the children would be locked in the room for extended periods of time as punishment.

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When the police arrived to arrest the couple, Parsley tried to flee but was apprehended.
Both Peach and Parsley were charged with neglect of a dependent that resulted in serious bodily injury.

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