This box of puppies was found by a couple hiking in the woods in Texas. The box was sealed shut and just sitting in the forest. The box had the words “Shoot Me” written on it. How sad and tragic that someone thought that was what needed to be done to the six puppies. The puppies were all alive, but emaciated.

Image Credit: Karen Rene’e / Facebook
The couple was able to get in touch with The Underdog Project, which is an organization based out of Dallas that provides medical care to neglected or stray dogs.

Image Credit: Karen Rene’e / Facebook
Karen Rene’e, a volunteer with the group, came out and collected the puppies. The puppies were given an exam.

Image Credit: Karen Rene’e / Facebook
Their age was estimated to be about one month. One pup had an infected wound on her face, and another puppy’s tail had been bitten almost right through.

Image Credit: Karen Rene’e / Facebook