This is something you don’t see every day! A family of bears took their time crossing the road in Town of Carroll in New York. Police parked their cars in the street to make sure that the bear family was safe from other motorists. One bear cub was seen lying on the side of the road.

Image Credit: Carroll Police Department
The momma bear kept trying to get him to come across with the rest of the group, but they eventually left him behind. The cub was taken to a rehabilitation center, and once he is healthy again, he will be released into the wild.

Image Credit: Carroll Police Department
It is a good thing that there was an audience to see the bear family cross the road – if they hadn’t been there, no one would have noticed the cub who didn’t make it across the road.

Image Credit: Carroll Police Department
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I wonder if the cub will ever see his momma or siblings again. The good news is he at least has a chance! Share away, people!