Here is an image of Sia getting into the water on her first day at the sanctuary, it is likely that she hasn’t gone swimming – ever!

Image Credit: Wildlife S.O.S. / Facebook
Mia decided to lay down, probably the first time she has been able to truly relax.

Image Credit: Wildlife S.O.S. / Facebook
Wildlife S.O.S. said Mia took a nice long nap! Mia and Sia enjoyed being able to roam and explore. Here we see them taking a dust bath together!

Image Credit: Wildlife S.O.S. / Facebook
At the sanctuary, they have many new elephant friends, and they get healthy treats!

Image Credit: Wildlife S.O.S. / Facebook
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Mia and Sia are much happier now! No animal should live their lives chained up for the sake of entertainment.

Image Credit: Wildlife S.O.S. / Facebook
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