Getting a haircut is part of life. Our hairdressers say that we should get our hair trimmed about every six weeks. Something about keeping the ends healthy and such. I am not a big fan of getting my haircut. I do like it when it is all done, however. Don’t you just feel better? Depending on how long it has been since your last haircut, you may actually look different!
My uncle used to say he ‘got his ears lowered’ after he’d had his hair cut! The little boy in this video has a new hair style. Ho hum – right? No. This little boy, Mason, also has an amazing relationship with a hen, Love Bird. Every time she sees him she runs in for a hug! Yes, a hug!
So, Mason just got his haircut as has come home and is ready to give out hugs. The hen runs up to him as usual. At the last second, Love Bird puts on the brakes! SCREECH!
At the last second Love Bird realizes something is different about Mason. She steps to the side, gives him a quick look over, and then comes back for her hug!