Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We have all heard those words. You can find ways to reuse items around your house to eliminate the amount of trash in our landfills. Recycling is a first step in making sure our environment stays clean and healthy for future generations. Another saying comes to mind “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Just because you are finished with something doesn’t mean another person won’t find some use for it. Many electronic items you throw out could be repaired and used by other people. But what about broken CDs? Can they be reused by someone else? Well, if you are Sean E. Avery (not the famous hockey player), yes.

Image Credit: Sean Avery
Sean was born in South Africa and now an artist based out of Australia. He is a graphic designer, illustrator, and a sculptor. Sean takes old CDs, breaks them, and turns them into stunning pieces of art! His sculptures are made of recycled materials and include some old computer parts, like hard drives.
He classifies his art as ‘sustainable.’ Sean admits that it is a lot of fun to make his pieces, but they do take a lot of time, so he doesn’t have too many to show.

Image Credit: Sean Avery
Husky Pup

Image Credit: Sean Avery
Another Hummingbird

Image Credit: Sean Avery

Image Credit: Sean Avery