If you own a cat, then you probably often wonder how they work. They do the darndest things and seem to defy many known laws of physics, and while you can find rational justifications for their odd and hilarious behavior, they can still boggle the mind.
The “if I fits, I sits” meme that’s been surging through the Internet for the past few years is a perfect example of that – cats squeezing into the smallest possible spaces and seeming to be very, very comfortable in the cramped container they’ve chosen as their new bed. It definitely doesn’t make sense, but it’s somehow very adorable nonetheless!
Still, it raises as important question: how do cats manage to make themselves fit into those areas? The answer is simple: they’re secretly in a liquid state! It sounds far fetched, but how else would you explain the following images? Here are 12 photos that prove that cats are secretly made of liquid, not solids!
1. Who ordered a cup of floof?

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2. That can’t be comfortable.

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3. Quick, call 911 – this cat’s melting!

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4. “If I don’t fits, I still sits.”

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5. Some cat trickling out of his bed.

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6. Even more cat trickling away.

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7. You can wash your hands with this one.

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8. Some cats impersonate coffee…

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9. … others opt for flour…

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10. … a select few go for ice cream sundaes as their medium of choice…

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11. … and of course, some decide to be the liquid form of a pretzel.

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And finally…
12. How on earth did this even happen?

Image Credit: N/A
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